Experiencia Internacional

DBS Bachelor en Marketing – Specialized
en Events Management

Descripción del programa

Los estudiantes de este programa obtendrán una amplia gama de  conceptos  teóricos y prácticos del marketing combinados con conocimiento en las áreas de la gestión de eventos. Los estudiantes aprenderán a desarrollar soluciones pragmáticas para problemas reales y cómo comunicar de manera efectiva información, ideas, problemas complejos y soluciones a un  amplio rango de audiencias.

This programme focuses on core areas of marketing such as communications, planning, management, consumer behaviour, services marketing, marketing research, strategic marketing, digital marketing and specifically event management in a marketing context. The degree aims to develop learners’ knowledge of the theory, as well as practice of marketing, necessary for them to secure employment and perform in the areas of marketing in a broad range of employment environments with special focus on event marketing, event management, and the events marketing industries

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